Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Should Obama really be impeached?

Christina Conditt's Blog post about President Obama says that he should be impeached in order to keep our nation alive. Looking back at the past four years President Obama has not worked up to the expectations that he promised back when he was first inaugurated. He has been promoting "Obama Care" that has left many Americans without healthcare. He has wasted millions of dollars on a plan he claimed would be "shovel ready" but then later confesses there are no such things as "shovel ready". He yes has helped with the unemployment rate but has cost the nation trillions of dollars. President Obama has been a little over his boundaries as president and needs them to be re evaluated. He has not been the worst president in history but surely has not been very good in his current term. Obama does need to be impeached, and if he is not you better hope the American public can see what situation he has put our nation in. So when the next Presidential election arrives next year, there wont a second term for President Obama. Times are rough right now in the U.S. and we need to set our nation in the right direction.

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